Summer Reign
Summer Reign
APerfectBeauty Studio
270 Carpenter Dr ste 510
Atlanta GA 30328
Instagram: @Aperfectsummer
Booking Site:
Please select the salon where you would like to book your appointment. For an appointment with Summer Reign, please call the salon directly.
Appointments made after 6pm EST Saturday, will be scheduled the following Tuesday. Request for same day appointments will not be guaranteed. Please request an appointment at least 24 hours (1 Business Day) in advance. Once your request has been processed someone will contact you to confirm your appointment. Thank you!
Lash Extensions Application
Full Set (1.5-2 hrs) $150
Fill (1-1.5 hrs) $75 (2-3 weeks after initial appt)
50% of lashes still remaining
Fluff (30-45 min) $50 ( 7-10 days after appt,
client wants additional lashes
Mink Strip Lashes $25
Rapid Lashes (mink lash clusters) will last 7-10 days $70
Brow Waxing/Tint $50
Brow Razor/wax $20
Brow Extensions $50
Semi Permanent Hair Stroke Brows (MICROBLADING) $650 & up
Microshading (microblading + shading combo) $650 & up
Microblading Brow Stroke (touch up service) $100
Color Boost $250 & up (touch up service after 9-12mths of
semi permanent brows)
Existing Brow Tattoo Coverup $750
Fill Ins From Outside Business/Other Lash Artist
(1.5-2 hrs)$100
Often when clients come to us from other
establishments, it is necessary to remove all existing lashes to achieve our signature look and to maintain our high standards.
​Beauty Consultation 1-1.5hr $100
Skin Evaluation
Lash Consult
Cosmetics Consultation
Appointments are required. We encourage you to schedule appointments well in advance, especially prior to major holidays. Please note that upon scheduling your appointment, you will be asked to provide a credit card number to guarantee your reservation. Please refer to our cancellation policy prior to reserving your appointment time. Scheduling an appointment is your acceptance of this policy.
Microblading/Lash Extension Training and certification